text replacer

a simple find-and-replace web app | back

this project was done with the intent of learning how to make webpages, and it turned out to be pretty fun. i wrote it using typescript, html, and the bootstrap stylesheet. it takes some input text, a literal string to search for, and a literal string to replace the search term with. when you press the button, it runs a find-and-replace operation and spits out the result.


typescript is a lot nicer than javascript. next time i make something like this, i'm rolling my own css. not using bootstrap again - it was irritating.

also irritating was doing reactivity with vanilla js. but web frameworks might be even more irritating. i guess that's something i'll have to consider on a per-project basis in the future.

feature-wise it's pretty lacking. if i'm ever serious about this i should give it a button to copy the output text. i should also provide options for case-sensitivity, global-matching, and regular expressions.

future plans

maybe rewrite it in svelte/sveltekit someday? idk, could be fun.